The Grow With Guidance System integrates the framework of Invitational Education throughout and includes a formula for creating an inviting environment. The Grow With Guidance System Manual includes the Invitational Teaching Survey to help guide inviting practices based on student input. Dr. Radd is a “long marcher” in invitational education and received the Stafford Award, the highest honor from the International Alliance for Invitational Education (IAIE).
Invitational Education® , a theory of practice, maintains that every person and everything in and around schools and other organizations adds to, or subtracts from, the process of being a beneficial presence in the lives of human beings. Ideally, the factors of people, places, policies, programs and processes should be so intentionally inviting as to create a world in which each individual is cordially summoned to develop intellectually, socially, physically, psychologically, and spiritually.
Invitational Education is an approach to the teaching-learning process centered on interconnected assumptions offered to understand these myriad positive and negative signal systems that exist within the total educational environment.
It is a theory of practice for communicating caring and appropriate messages intended to summon forth the realization of human potential as well as for identifying and changing those forces in schools which would defeat and destroy potential.
A democratic society is ethically committed to seeing all people as able, valuable, and responsible, to valuing cooperation and collaboration, to viewing process as product in the making, and to developing untapped possibilities in all worthwhile areas of human endeavor.
Because the International Alliance for Invitational Education® is dedicated to democratic principles, its mission is to enhance life-long learning, promote positive change in organizations, cultivate the personal and professional growth and satisfaction of educators and allied professionals, and enrich the lives of human beings personally and professionally.
Learn more about the Internation Alliance for Invitational Education by visiting: http://www.invitationaleducation.org