Grow With Guidance® System Research
Download the new Grow With Guidance Research Summary
Grow With Guidance Research Summary [.pdf]

Research using The Grow With Guidance® System has confirmed several of the many benefits for students and staff. The following results of statistical significance may be of interest to you.
The results reflect post score comparisons of three groups, two experimental and one control. The comparisons between groups include the following:
- The Grow With Guidance® System has a proven positive effect on student self-concept as learner which is critical to students’ academic performance and school behavior.
- The Grow With Guidance® System has a proven positive effect on the self-control of students.
- Students using The Grow With Guidance® System feel better about their learning.
- Teachers who use The Grow With Guidance® System are perceived and reported by students as utilizing greater invitational teaching practices which affect class climate and environment.
- Teachers using The Grow With Guidance® System in an intensified manner report feeling better about themselves and feeling better about their teaching. They have made changes to their teaching approach and report better teacher/student interaction.
Download the full report, The History, Development, and Research of the Educational Systems Model: The Grow With Guidance®System [.pdf]
Research is continuing on The Grow With Guidance® System. If you are interested in participating in a research study or in conducting research, please contact The Grow With Guidance® office.